Wasn't quite sure if some of the contents or ideas involved in this game would be offensive (possibly too violent) to some people. IF SUCH IS THE CASE, DON'T PLAY IT !
<--------------- REGISTRATION ---------------->
The Arena is my first attempt at a real program, and as such will probably go through several 'refinement' stages. There are no hidden features, this is the whole entire game and I whole-heartedly welcome you to copy it (including this read me file, the manual and the Suitcase) and pass it along to your friends. I would ask a favor, however; IF you deem this game worthy of note, send me $5 - 10$ via:
Scott Paul
c/o The Arena
2833 Blackbush Lane
El Cajon CA. 92019
The money would make the months of surviving on coffee, No-Doze and Future Basic worth my blood and sweat. It would also make a nice incentive to continue enhancing and adding-on to The Arena. Registered users (or donors, seeing as this is FREEWARE) will receive the newest available version of The Arena on disk (so be sure to clearly print your name and address in your letter). And yes, I'm ALWAYS looking for playtesters.
<--------------- TO BEGIN ---------------->
To Begin the game from scratch, choose 'New' from the 'File' menu. Click one of the available character images (this will be your character's picture throughout his/her eventful career). Reroll the stats to achieve the best combination of high numbers possible. Click OK. Name the little bugger and your off! (to start the game again just hit return instead of entering a name).
See the manual for further datails.
<--------------- OBJECTIVE ---------------->
The Objective of the game is fairly simple and straightforward: STAY ALIVE (and save your character after each battle!)
<--------------- NEW THIS VERSION ---------------->
• Double-clicking on a character in the Finder now opens that character
• You can now survive with 0 Wounds. (But I would advise visiting the temple really quick!)
• No longer can you purchase downward in the Armoury or the Weaponsmith shops. Although the button is green, it will boink if your current weapon/armour is more powerful (idea from Lucksinger - sorry dude, didn't want to hassle with def'ing more constants and buttons!)
• The online help has been removed and placed in a text file so that it may be printed out (and to reduce the size of The Arena).
• MAGIC! Formally announced as the Grimoire, your character is now able to purchase up to three magical scrolls which may be used in combat to aid him.
• CHAOS LORDS! Formally announced as the Hall of Fame. Some characters achieve the state of Daemonhood through the Chaos mutation CHAOS LORD. You may now test your skills against these formidable opponents.
Still in the works:
I'm developing a dungeon scenario for your Arena character's. It will be called The Tomb (probably). E-Mail me with tips, suggestions, art, etc. (may have to charge 5$ for this one, haven't quite made up my mind - this'll take some time and will have a 3-D viewing window similar to SSI's Unlimited Adventures).
Requires a minimum(?) of 16 Grays/Colors and can handle up to Thousands.
Works on the following models:
Performa 600
Performa 630
Centris 650 / Quadra 650
Quadra 800
PowerPC 7100
PowerPC 8100
Knowing this brings me confidence in saying that it will work on most machines. However, B&W models should be wary (didn't have access to any to test).
FOR OPTIMUM PERFORMANCE run on System 7.1+ and at least 256 Colors and 4 MB RAM.
<--------------- CONSTRUCTION ---------------->
I was greatly influenced by Robert Chancellor's DARKWOOD. Superb Arena-style game. (If you read this, I would very much enjoy your input/suggestions (hints on those damnable scrolling lists!)).
Developed under System 7.1P2 on a Performa 600 (Daystar Board with FPU), 20M Ram, 2M VRAM using Zedcor's Future Basic (FB Rules!).
<--------------- BUGS ---------------->
There are no known bugs in The Arena.
If you have any problems running The Arena on your Macintosh, find any typos, etc., please notify me immediately. If known, please supply the following information:
Macintosh model.
Monitor size & type.
Add-Ons (accelerator boards, etc.).
System Version.
What exactly happened and what you did (pushed the combat button just before it happened, used a Scroll (include type) against the Deathjester, etc.).
<--------------- WOULD BE ARTISTS/CRITICS ---------------->
I am constanly searching for ways to improve the game, whether it be new art or ideas. If you feel you can supply either of these (remembering to keep the same game-theme in mind) drop me a line/sample. BECOME A CONTRIBUTOR - IT'S OUR GAME ! ! !
<---------------ABOUT THE FONTS---------------->
BEFORE starting up The Arena, copy the Font Suitcase 'Warscript.bmap' into your closed System Folder. It will want to put it into the Fonts folder. Tell it OK. NOTE: The Arena will operate properly without this Suitcase in the Fonts folder, however, type may look wierd or out of place on the screen.
PS. If the game starts up fine disreguard the following!
(FONT #4559 in event of conflicts - DO NOT RENUMBER! Remove other font or go without to play. Notify me.)